You’re Ready When You’re Ready

Johann Warnholtz
2 min readAug 23, 2021

“I would love to get into shape.”

“I would love to lose a few pounds.”

These are two common statements that people make when they are thinking about getting back into shape or losing some weight. They are statements of longing and of “I’d like to”, and if you are at that stage, there is nothing wrong with that. However, they are not statements of determination or commitment.

How do I get there? I want to be in shape, but I’m just not motivated to work out or eat healthy?

There is a simple answer to this: You’ll do it when you’re ready.

If your heart isn’t committed, you won’t want to take the steps to get there.

Let me back up, though. It’s OK if you aren’t ready. It’s OK if you have other priorities. You can save yourself the “Well, you don’t understand what it’s like to [insert situation here]” because you are likely correct. I don’t know what it’s like to be a parent, or to be in Grad school, or to have some other thing that occupies so much of my time that I can’t spend an hour and a half at the gym every day like a lunatic.

If you have priorities that supersede your desire to be in shape or lose weight, then focus on those priorities. I reserve no judgement towards you.

What I would like to suggest, however, is that there are small, incremental changes you can make to your daily life that can integrate weight loss or fitness into your existing routine.

There are food choices you can make, small exercises that take seconds to perform, and simple adjustments that don’t take time away from you that can help you start.

What I can’t do, however, is make you ready. I can’t say magical words that will drum up the motivation you need to get started. That is on you.

Which brings me back to my point: You cannot and will not make any headway towards a goal like losing weight or getting into shape unless your heart is in it. You have to want it just as much as you want food or air every day.

If you think you’re there, I am excited to help you achieve this. I have a list of twenty-four articles I am planning on writing over the next twenty-four weeks that, I hope, will help you start on this journey. You can subscribe, set a notification, or simply check back here every Monday for each week’s article. And please, ask questions.

Why am I doing this? Because this is important to me. I believe everyone is capable of achieving these goals and I want to help. I’m not asking for money or even your email address. I just want to help.

But before you start making any changes at all, you have to decide:

Are you ready?

If so? Let’s get started!



Johann Warnholtz

I’m an extroverted PR professional with an interest in humanity. I’m looking for a greater understanding of what makes us tick and I want to explore that here.